Real estate appraisers board, rules, 458.03 to 458.05
Real estate board:
Creation, membership, terms, 15.07 (1) (cs), 15.405 (11)
Real estate practice:
Application for broker's salesperson's license, 452.10
Application for license, contents, 452.09
Brokers; licenses, fees, renewals, 440.05, 440.08
Councils and committees, 452.06
Discipline of licensees, 452.14
Investigation of licensees, 452.14
Judicial review of department order, 452.14 (5), 452.18
Legislation proposed submitted to board, 452.08
Licenses, 452.12
Nonresident brokers, 452.11
Powers and duties for regulation, 452.05
Register of brokers, 452.12 (4)
Rules, promulgation, review, 452.07
Trust accounts, 452.13
Real estate salespersons, licenses, fees, renewals, 440.05, 440.08
Registered nurses examining council, membership, terms, 15.407 (3)
Duties, 440.04
Reexaminations, 440.06
Refunds of fees, 440.06
Salary, 20.923 (4)
Subpoenas, may issue, 440.03 (4)
Time-share salespersons, registration, 452.025
Veterinary examining board, see Veterinarians
rehabilitation for handicapped persons REHABILITATION FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS
Generally, Ch. 47
For detailed analysis, see Blind Persons; Disabilities, Persons With
reinsurance REINSURANCE
Generally, Ch. 627
reinvestment neighborhoods REINVESTMENT NEIGHBORHOODS
Generally, 66.1107
relatives RELATIVES
Adoption, placement of children with, 48.835
Death records, 69.18
Support obligation, 948.22
Restitution, 49.90
Half blood, intestate succession, 852.03 (3), 854.21 (4)
Liability for maintenance of patients in state institutions, 46.10
Child support standards, application, 46.247
Support of dependents, 49.90
relief and relief block grants RELIEF AND RELIEF BLOCK GRANTS
religion RELIGION
remainders REMAINDERS
remedies REMEDIES
See also Civil Procedure
Note: For the treatment of remedies, refer to the subject heading for the specific remedy, e.g. Injunction or Mandamus; or refer to the subject heading for the subject of the remedy sought, e.g. Marriage—3. Marital Property
remittitur REMITTITUR
removal from office REMOVAL FROM OFFICE
Generally, Ch. 17
Address of legislature, 17.06
Application of ch. 17, 17.29
Assessors, 17.14
Board of review members, 17.14
Cause defined, 17.001
City officers:
Employees, 17.12
Suspension, 17.12 (3)
Civil officers and judges, 17.06
Civil service exception, 17.10 (7), 17.12 (4)
Collector of public money, suspension, 17.08
Officers, VI, 4; 17.09, 17.10
Supervisors, 17.14
Trustee of institution, 46.18 (3)
Court commissioners, 757.23
Dane county lakes and watershed commissioners, 17.15 (3)
District attorney, 17.09 (5)
Suspension, 17.11
Gambling law, not enforcing, 945.041 (8)
Governor's staff, 14.02
Housing authority, commissioners, 66.1201 (8)
Impeachment, 17.06
Interpellation, 13.28 to 13.30
Joint county institutions, 17.15
Judges, VII, 13
Circuit or supreme court, 17.06
Legislative officers, 17.07